Glad to announce !

INVENTIO Festival 2024 - Artistic direction

May/September - 9th Edition : "Le geste musical"

Georges ENESCO 2022 prize awarded by SACEM

Solo album Release

George Rochberg's Caprice Variations

Very, very much looking forward to the release of my recording of George Rochberg's monstrously beautiful Caprice Variations soon. Those of you who've known me back in Boston, and since, will probably be reminded of my growing elation upon learning and performing the work in its myriad ways. It's been eight years in the making, and it's seeing the light of day, thanks to the Albany records company!

"A la fois technicien et poète de la matière, le virtuose Léo Marillier n'a pas seulement l'instinct sûr grâce à une technique éloquente et précise ; il comprend et éclaire de l'intérieur chaque séquence, unifiant les 50 jalons vers l'apothéose finale. De sorte que ce qui compte absolument c'est autant la ciselure formelle du cheminement que l'expérience musicale, esthétique, spirituelle qui naît de son déroulement." Classique News

"A new recording of the Caprice Variations has just been made by Léo Marillier. As befits a work based on Paganini's own virtuosic writing, the demands of this work are considerable, on the musical, artistic, and technical levels, and Marillier delivers. Working on the piece over the past seven years, Marillier brings us a performance that has a world of thought in it. There's a constant switching of mood between the variations and Marillier takes us with him on that journey." INTERLUDE

Joining QUATUOR DIOTIMA from January 2022

It is with immense pleasure that I join Quatuor Diotima, one of the most in-demand chamber ensembles in the world today. Their commitment to creation, transmission, examination, care, and tradition is something I am proud to share with them, now fully! Thank you to all who've helped, inspired, and taught me, whether that is through support, a smile, advice, notes, lessons, to become who I am today and set me on the path to meeting and working with Franck Chevalier, Yunpeng Charles Zhao and Pierre Morlet. And last but not least, immense kudos to Constance Ronzatti for the incredible work I'm delighted to continue. Long live quartet, long live work! "Wir sind nichts. Was wir suchen, ist alles." Hölderlin
Pic : Teatro alla Scala - Milano Music Festival - June 2022

2022 : Georges Enesco violin Prize

(Biennal prix Synphonique)

2020 : Fondation Follereau laureate for musical social commitment

Recipient 2018/2020

 of the Music Committee of the Cité internationale des arts

Fondation de France Recipient 2019

"Wonderful violinist" Miriam Fried

""Un imaginaire musical capable de sortir du cadre étroit de l'instrument et un refus de confort éphémère que procurent des dons exceptionnels. Léo ne se fixe aucune limite." Alexis Galpérine

"Exceptional talent" Stephane Tran Ngoc

"Véritable musicien, conscient du rôle qui est le sien, de transmettre la musique avec respect et talent. Ses qualités sonores et techniques sont admirables"

Renaud Capuçon

"C’est non seulement un merveilleux violoniste mais aussi un musicien qui s’interroge sur la musique. C’est ce qui nous touche en l’écoutant ... Léo Marillier place l’œuvre en perspective et nous fait revivre sa gestation, nous la rendant ainsi à nouveau contemporaine."  Philippe Graffin